Rock Recensioni THE FLAMING LIPS - The Flaming Lips And Heady Fwends

THE FLAMING LIPS - The Flaming Lips And Heady Fwends THE FLAMING LIPS - The Flaming Lips And Heady Fwends Hot

THE FLAMING LIPS - The Flaming Lips And Heady Fwends


The Flaming Lips And Heady Fwends
Casa discografica

Finalmente disponibile anche in Italia The Flaming Lips And The Heady Fwends il super progetto ideatoWayne Coyne leader dei Flaming Lips che vede la partecipazione di artisti planetari come: Bon Iver, Tame Impala, Nick Cave, Neon Indian, Erykah Badu, Yoko Ono. Per chi non lo sapesse i Flaming Lips vengono da Oklajoma City e dal 1983 rappresentano la punta di diamante ed una delle band più rispettate nell’ambito Alternative.

CD in vendita da Disco Club a partire da martedì 31 luglio 2012 al prezzo di 16,90 €

1. “2012 (You Must Be Upgraded) (w/ Ke$ha, Biz Markie & Hour Of The Time Majesty 12)
2. “Ashes In The Air” (Featuring Bon Iver)
3. “Helping The Retarded To Know God” (Featuring Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros)
4. “Supermoon Made Me Want To Pee” (Featuring Prefuse 73)
5. “Children Of The Moon” (Featuring Tame Impala)
6. “That Ain’t My Trip” (Featuring Jim James of My Morning Jacket)
7. “You, Man? Human???” (Featuring Nick Cave)
8. “I’m Working At NASA On Acid” (Featuring Lightning Bolt)
9. “Do It!” (Featuring Yoko Ono/Plastic Ono Band)
10. “Is David Bowie Dying?” (Featuring Neon Indian)
11. “The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face” (Featuring Erykah Badu)
12. “Girl, You’re So Weird” (Featuring New Fumes)
13. “Tasered And Maced” (Featuring Aaron Behrens of Ghostland Observatory)

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