Rock Recensioni The Toy Dolls: The Singles

The Toy Dolls: The Singles The Toy Dolls: The Singles

toy dolls7 track 2CD round up of every single issued by madcap Punk Rock legends the Toy Dolls. Features the UK NaConal Chart No.3 smash hit 'Nellie The Elephant'. Also includes the Independent Chart hits 'Cheerio & Toodle Pip' (No.10), 'Alfie From The Bronx' (No.13), 'We're Mad' (No.4), 'She Goes To Finos' (No.4), 'James Bond (Lives Down Our Street)' (No.7) and 'Geordie's Gone To Jail' (No.14)
Vocalist / guitarist Olga has been the one constant throughout the bands nigh on 45-year career and sCll leads the band to this day, playing many major fesCvals across mainland Europe including the seminal Ruhrpoa Rodeo in Hunxe, Germany on July 6 2024.
The booklet contains pictures of all the releases, many of them now expensive and rare Punk collectors' items, alongside detailed liner notes.

In uscita il 12 aprile a 22.90

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