Rock Recensioni STEPHIN MERRIT - Obscurities

STEPHIN MERRIT - Obscurities STEPHIN MERRIT - Obscurities Hot

STEPHIN MERRIT - Obscurities


Casa discografica

Stephin Merrit è meglio conosciuto come Mr. MAGNETIC FIELDS!
Obscurities contiene 14 tracce, di cui cinque sono brani inediti, e tutte risalgono al periodo precedente all’album “69 Love Songs” pubblicato come Magnetic Fields. Tre dei brani inediti provengono da The Song From Venus, il musical di fantascienza , mai finito, scritto da Merritt e Daniel Handler, alias Lemony Snickett. Cinque canzoni sono tratte da vari 7” dei The Magnetic Fields, un altro brano fu originariamente pubblicato dai 6ths , un side project dei Magnetic Fields, un brano usci solo su di un audio book, uno era incluso nella compilation Oh, Merge e l’ultima traccia usci su una compilation della K Records pubblicata solo in cassetta.

01. Forever and a Day (previously unreleased)
02. Rats in the Garbage of the Western World (The Magnetic Fields)
03. I Don’t Believe You (The Magnetic Fields)
04. Plant White Roses (Buffalo Rome)
05. Rot in the Sun (the 6ths)
06. The Sun and the Sea and the Sky (previously unreleased)
07. Yet Another Girl (the 6ths)
08. Scream (Till you Make the Scene) (previously unreleased)
09. The Song from Venus (previously unreleased)
10. . Beach-A-Boop-Boop (The Magnetic Fields)
11. When I’m Not Looking, You’re Not There (The Magnetic Fields)
12. Take Ecstasy with Me (The Magnetic Fields)
13. When You’re Young and In Love (previously unreleased)
14. You Are Not My Mother and I Want to Go Home (The Gothic Archies)

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